The Redfern Foundation was formed in 1998 to support the Aboriginal community in the inner city of Sydney.

Our goal is to promote the creation of an Aboriginal community that is healthy, self supporting and a source of hope, pride and leadership both to its own members and for the wider Australian community – both indigenous and non-indigenous.

We assist local community organisations that are operated primarily by and for Aboriginal people. Our aim is to help these key groups build the skills, strength and resilience they need to create sustainable, positive social infrastructure that in turn promotes social, educational and employment equity. The organisations for which we provide financial and other forms of support are:
  • already existing, working and trusted within their community – but are threatened by lack of funding
  • provide direct benefits to their clients and members
  • have the potential for growth and, in some cases, self sufficiency
  • can provide community members training and employment opportunities
  • provide social leadership and positive community initiatives
  • offer opportunities for greater understanding and skill sharing between individuals and other organisations, both Aboriginal and non-indigenous
  • have robust governance models, especially those that offer frameworks for replication in similar organisations.
As well as helping grass roots organisations, the Foundation is itself a member of the inner city community. As such, we live the values we support. This includes forming and fostering relationships with other community, government and non-government organisations whose skills and aims are aligned or complementary to our own. Working together, we aim to create a trellis of support on which our community can take shape and grow.

Mudgin-Gal, meaning ‘Women’s Place’, offers support for women, girls and their young families through drop in, in-home family support, legal, medical and accommodation referral and educational and vocational support programs. Mudgin-Gal’s ‘Black Out Violence’ campaign is acknowledged as a best practice model for addressing family violence in urban Aboriginal communities.

Babana Mens’ Group runs activities and programs addressing a range of issues from men’s health, through to family relationships, anti-violence, anti-drug and alcohol campaigns, post release programs and more. ‘Babana’ means ‘brother’ in the Dharuk language and is a common greeting among Aboriginal men – the term expresses the spirit that underpins Babana.

The Tribal Warrior Association helps Aboriginal people gain employment qualifications in the maritime industries. It also provides them with recreational, social and educational opportunities that help revitalise traditional cultural values and, through its regular open-to-public cultural harbour tours, helps forge a vital link of appreciation, respect and understanding between Aboriginal and non-indigenous people.

The Foundation’s Board of Directors is drawn from the corporate and business sector, the Redfern community and local government. We believe that the composition of our Board and the combined skills, resources and experience it represents is a key enabler for the achievement of the Foundation’s goals.

Susan Carleton is a Sydney business woman whose active involvement and familiarity with the Redfern Aboriginal community dates back more than 15 years, when she began a number of grass roots support initiatives with a particular focus on women and children.

Shane Phillips CEO of Tribal Warrior Association, is widely regarded as the local Aboriginal community's voice on a range of youth issues. Born and raised in Redfern, Shane is an outstanding community leader, respected by all for his integrity, hard work and impressive range of achievements.

Bronwyn Penrith is a Redfern community member with a lifetime commitment to Aboriginal reconciliation and community wellbeing. Bronwyn has been a key member of many major national and local Aboriginal movements, including Mudgin-Gal, which is supported by the Redfern Foundation.

Mark Spinks is a Redfern community member, social worker and activist with a special interest in Aboriginal men’s wellbeing and the restoration of positive cultural values to both the inner city and broader Aboriginal community.


The Redfern Foundation and the organisations we support are dependent on donations from the community and corporate sector, a mix of sporadic and limited funding from community, government and non-government sectors and the effort of unpaid volunteers and community members.

We are a charitable organisation with tax deductible gift recipient status from the Australian Tax Office.

We have no offices and no paid staff, which means funding from donors goes directly to the organisations we support.

We offer our donors the opportunity to make a donation to be used at the Foundation’s discretion or to choose a particular organisation to support.

You can choose the way you or your organisation would most like to help and you can see the difference your donation makes.